<aside> 📌 Thank you for joining the session "Hacks for an effective social innovation team" as part of the Social Innovation Essentials series! Below 👇 you can find a summary of the main resources connected to this topic.




03 Effective Team Hacks • Slides.pdf


Questions for project & partnerships decision tool

All questions are ranked on a 1-10 scale with each extreme represented by a sentence below. All are used for the ChangemakerXchange context and theory of change and would need to be edited for your own.

  1. Do we have the capacity in the team to run this project? 1 = We would struggle to implement this from a time / human resource / skills / knowledge perspective 10 = We have all the time / human resource / skills / knowledge we need to run the project.

  2. Is the ultimate target group a fit to ours? (changemakers, ideally young changemakers) 1 = The ultimate target group and beneficiaries are not people driving impact-focused initiatives and do not have potential to do so. 10 = The ultimate target group are clearly in line with our own (young changemakers).

  3. Is it a fit to our theory of change? (or do we have potential to bring in these elements) 1 = this initiative does not hit any of our 4 key outcomes (• Creating community & belonging • preventing burnout • sustaining and scaling impact • changing the culture of the changemaking ecosystem) 10 = This initiative clearly hits all of these 4 outcomes.

  4. Will it bring in significant non financial benefits? (brand value & awareness, potential future funding, knowledge and learning which we can later apply) 1 = It will not bring in any significant non financial gain 10 = It will bring in signicant benefits for CXC which will result in long term strategic or financial gain.

  5. Will it bring in significant financial benefits? 1 = We would have to invest our own unrestricted resources into this 5 = We would 'break even' so funds would cover the resources we invest 10 = This either fills a key funding gap for us and/or allows us to make a significant margin (> 100% on the resources we invest).

Other Resources